Appendix A – Initial Risk Assessment


The recommendation to re-configure Council-run care provision in Malton and Pickering in advance of the replacement Extra Care Housing scheme being operational carries a number of risks, which are summarised below alongside proposed mitigations:





Changes to services for current residents has the potential to have a negative impact on health and wellbeing.

Inability of local care market to meet people’s care and support needs.


Negative impact on people’s families.



Ashfield Malton is not currently accepting any new admissions to the service. 


Procedure for the Planned Closure of a Council Residential Home (Adults) will be followed, with a clear and detailed Project Plan and Communication Strategy in place.


Sensitive consultation with people and their families prior to closure, working closely with Locality Care and Support Teams. 


Assessment of residential care provision in the locality indicates limited residential care capacity, however sufficient to meet the needs of the remaining residents.  There is capacity at 5 Whitby Road EPH in Pickering which would be the Council’s preferred alternative support option, where capital investment has been committed; in particular to make improvements for people living with dementia.  


Close joined-up working with Brokerage, Service Development and Locality Care and Support Teams to assess people and ensure suitable alternative placements and support are identified, promoting choice and taking account of friendships alongside personal and social needs.


Counselling and/or advocacy will be made available to people demonstrating signs and symptoms of stress related to the closure. 

Insufficient provision to meet future need for residential services in the locality

Unsourced packages of care/placements

There has already been various restrictions on admissions to Ashfield Malton over the last three years, with capacity currently fixed at the existing occupancy level, meaning the existing provision is unable to respond to locality need.


Whilst limited, assessment of residential care provision in the locality indicates that there would be capacity to meet future needs in the short-to-medium term.  The new Extra Care scheme will then meet future medium-to-long-term need post Winter 2025.


Staff morale and wellbeing; there are currently 45 established staff at Ashfield Malton including a Registered and Deputy Manager.

Deterioration of staff morale and wellbeing.


Staff leaving the service prior to service ending resulting in an unsafe service.


Potential for redundancies. 

Clear communications and sensitive consultation with remaining staff team, supported by HR.


Involvement of staff as much as possible. 


Counselling and/or advocacy will be made available to staff.


Carefully considered planning and communications around timing of necessary Executive Committee decisions, and associated ECH community consultations.


Recruitment to vacancies at local provision would be ring-fenced, ie. 5 Whitby Road EPH, Deansfield Court ECH and Reablement, as well as Scarborough service.  Wider Council roles would also be considered for redeployment opportunities, where appropriate.


Potential for redundancy costs, given a total current workforce of 45 established staff including a Registered and Deputy Manager across the services and the age profile of the workforce.



Recruitment to vacancies at local provision would be ring-fenced, ie. 5 Whitby Road EPH, Deansfield Court ECH and Reablement, as well as Scarborough services. 


Wider Council roles would also be considered for redeployment opportunities, where appropriate.


Empty property may be at risk of vandalism.

Potential to incur costs for security and maintenance.

Site to be handed back to Corporate Property Services who will secure and determine future options for site. 


Negative local and media attention arising from the closure, particularly from the local community.

Reputational damage.

A clear Communication Strategy, informed by the Communications Team, will be put in place in line with the Procedure for the Planned Closure of a County Council Residential Home (Adults), to include engagement with local Members on the Area Constituency Committee. 


Legal advice will be sought throughout the process and shall be obtained prior to any public announcements, and these shall be informed by the Council’s Communications Team.